13 mai, 2020



In  Santiago  de  Compostela,  there was once a
dean of the cathedral who was greedy to learn
the art of magic. He heard a rumor that a man
named Ulan, who lived in the city of Toledo,
knew more things respecting this art than any
other man, and he set off to Toledo to find him.
The day the dean arrived, he went directly to
the place where Illán lived and found him at his
books, in a room at the rear of the house. Ulan
greeted  the dean kindly, but begged that he put
off the business of his journey until after they
had eaten. He showed him to a cool apartment
and told him he was very glad that he had come.
After dinner, the dean explained the purpose of
his journey, and asked Illán to teach him the
occult science. Ulan told him that he had
divined that his visitor was a dean, a man of
good position and promising future; he told
him, also, however, that he feared that should
he teach him as he asked, the dean would forget
him afterward. The dean promised  that he
would never forget the kindness shown him  by
Illán,  and said he would be forever in his debt.
When that vow was made,Illán told the dean
that the magic arts could be learned only in a
retired place, and he took him by the hand and
led him into an adjoining room, where there
was a large iron ring in the floor. First, however,
he instructed his serving-woman that they
would have partridge for dinner, though he told
her not to put them on the fire until he bade her
do so. The two men together lifted the iron ring,
and they began to descend a stairway hewn with
skill from stone; so far did they descend these
stairs that the dean would have sworn they had
gone beneath the bed of the Tagus. At the foot
of the stairway there was a cell, and then a
library, and then a sort of cabinet, or private
study, filled with instruments of magic. They
thumbed through the books, and as they were
doing this, two men entered with a letter for the
dean. This letter had been sent him by the
bishop, his uncle, and it informed him that his
uncle was taken very ill; if the dean wished to
see him alive, the letter said, he should return
home without delay. This news vexed the dean
greatly, in the first instance because of his
uncle's illness, but second because he was
obliged to interrupt his studies. He resolved to
send his regrets, and he sent the letter to the
bishop. In three days, several men arrived,
dressed in mourning and bringing further
letters for the dean, informing him that his
uncle the bishop had died, that a successor was
being chosen, and that it was hoped that by the
grace of God he himself would be elected. These
letters also said that he should not trouble
himself to come, since it would be much better
if he were elected in absentia.
Ten days later, two very well-turned-out
squires came to where the dean was at his
studies; they threw themselves at his feet,
kissed his hand, and addressed him as "bishop."
When  Illán  saw these things, he went with
great happiness to the new prelate and told him
he thanked God that such good news should
make its way to his humble house. Then he
asked that one of his sons be given the vacant
deanship. The bishop informed him that he had
reserved that position for his own brother, but
that he was indeed resolved to show Illan's son
favor, and that the three of them should set off
together for Santiago at once.
The three men set off for Santiago, where
they were received with great honors. Six
months later, the bishop received messengers
from the Pope, who offered him the
archbishopric of Tolosa and left to the bishop
himself the choice of his successor.  When  Illán
learned this news, he reminded the bishop of
his old promise and requested the bishopric for
his son. The new archbishop informed Illan
that he had reserved the bishopric for  his own
uncle, his father's brother, but that he was
indeed resolved to show Illan's son favor, and
that they should set off together for Tolosa  at
once. Illán had no choice but to agree.
The three men set off for Tolosa, where they
were received with great honors and with
masses. Two years later, the archbishop
received  messengers from the Pope, who
offered him a cardinal's biretta and left to the
archbishop himself the choice of his successor.
When  Illán  learned this news, he reminded the
archbishop of his old promise and requested the
archbishopric for his son. The new cardinal
informed Illán that he had reserved the
archbishopric for his own uncle, his mother's
brother, but that he was indeed resolved to
show Illan's son favor, and he insisted that they
set out together for Rome  at  once.  Illán  had no
choice but to agree.
The three men set out together for Rome,
where they were received with great honors and
with masses and processions. Four years later
the Pope died, and our cardinal was
unanimously elected to the Holy See by his
brother cardinals.  When  Illán  learned this
news, he kissed the feet of His Holiness,
reminded him of his old promise, and requested
that his son be made cardinal in His Holiness'
place. The Pope threatened  Illán  with
imprisonment,telling him that he knew very
well he was a wizard who when he had lived in
Toledo had been no better than a teacher of
magic arts. The  miserable  Illán  said he would
return to Spain, then, and begged of the Pope a
morsel to eat along the way. The Pope refused.
Then it was  that   Illán  (whose face had become
young again in a most extraordinary way) said
in a firm and steady voice:
"Then I shall have to eat those partridges
that I ordered up for tonight's supper."
The serving-woman appeared  and  Illán  told
her to put the partridges on the fire.  At those
words, the Pope found himself in the cell under
Illan's house in Toledo, a poor dean of the
cathedral of Santiago de Compostela,  and so
ashamed of his ingratitude that he could find no
words by which to beg Illan's forgiveness.  Illán
declared that the trial to which he'd put the
dean sufficed; he refused him his portion of the
partridges and went with him to the door,
where he wished him a pleasant journey and
sent him off most courteously. 

(From the  Libro  de  Patronio by the Infante
don Juan Manuel, who took it in turn from an
Arabic volume,  The Forty Mornings and the
Forty Nights)

History of Infamy, J.L.Borges.

31 mars, 2016

L'épopée de Chris Fox

Après avoir écrit son livre en 21 jours. Il le lance et révèle tres gentiment sa stratégie dans la vidéo ci dessous.

Les chiffres concret  : Pour classer le livre 360 eme au classement général il a vendu 500 livres dans la journée (rappelons qu'on est aux US avec un marché donc au moins 5-10 fois plus large)

27 mars, 2016

Se préparer pour le concours 2016 d'Amazon

Le réglement du concours

Amazon avec TV5 Monde lance un concours de roman pour 2016 : Les plumes francophones.

Gaussons nous un moment sur le mot "plumes". Non seulement personne n'a écrit avec une plume depuis sans doute plusieurs décennie, surtout, Amazon, le géant digital qui vend des livres sans papier, devrait le savoir.

 Infos Pratiques:


15 mars, 2016

Charmante carcasse en pré-commande

Le troisième tome des aventures de Noémie Kimdall sera dans vos librairies cet été. Vous pouvez déjà le pré-commander sur

13 mars, 2016

Une methode d'edition

Je signalé l'autre fois le chalenge que s'est donne C.Fox d'écrire, éditer un roman de 70k en 21 jours.

Si j'emet des doutes sur son modèle marketing. Notamment l'idée que le succes viendra s'il reprend les éléments d'un jeu vidéo dans  son prochain roman ("Destroyer" écrit et édité en 21 jours donc). Cela peut fonctionner si le roman est visiblement orienté vers une certaine satire, ca ne semble pas être le cas.

Par contre Fox, est dans sa semaine d’édition du premier jet. Et les conseils qu'ils donnent sont solides.

07 mars, 2016

Ecrire pour reussir

En peu de temps Chris Fox a sortit 3 romans qui lui ont donné suffisament d'assurance pour quitter son job de programmeur pour devenir écrivain

Je vais essentiellement parler de Chris Fox. J'ai découvert hier sa série de vidéo:

En 21 jour il se propose d'écrire un livre de 70k mots et de le publier. Il documente l’expérience sur les vidéos ci-dessus. Il est au 13e jour quand j’écris ce post, et il a finit le premier jet de son livre à 60k mots. 5k/ jours. Impressionnant.

07 février, 2016

Il n'y a pas d' Invisible Ink

Brian McDonal, est consultant chez Pixar. J'imagine que là, il explique qu'il faut 3 parties dans une histoire.

J'ai résumé l'autre fois le propos d'Invisible Ink. En en finissant la lecture, j'étais relativement impressionné par l'analyse. 

Puis j'ai dû rééditer mes livres policiers après en avoir corrigé l'orthographe. Ce sont des livres écrit de 2013 à 2016. Bien avant que je lise invisible Ink Pourtant, chacun possède, sans aucune volontiers particulière de ma part, une Encre Invisible.

31 janvier, 2016

Netlitote: figure de style d'internet

J'ignore si cette figure de style a un ancêtre plus artistique qu'internet.

Je postule qu'une Netlitote se définit ainsi:

  1. Prétendre une chose d'apparence négative
  2. qui se révèle positive plus tard

C'est plus clair avec des exemples. Rappelons juste qu'une litote prétend une chose négative pour signifier un chose positive.
"Je ne te hais point" est l'exemple sacré pour illustrer la figure de style. La phrase du Cid de Corneille sert à signifier que Chimène est encore amoureuse de Rodrigue.. Elle ne le hait pas.

Sur le net on a la même délicatesse:

24 janvier, 2016

Invisible Ink: Un guide pour mieux écrire

Ce n'est pas un livre sur comment faire une couverture qui donne envie

Brian McDonald prétend donner des conseils pour écrire des récits (surtout des scénarios) qui parlent au lecteur.
Comme la publicité parle à notre cerveau, à notre insu (non un Fiat Panda ne nous rend pas plus 'cool'); l'auteur prétend que les histoires qui fonctionnent pour le lecteur, sont celles ayant une 'encre invisible', une trace masquée derrière l'histoire principale.

Est-ce utile pour fabriquer des récits plus intéressants? Peut-être. Est-ce une théorie solide ...

17 janvier, 2016

Le travail est un jeu

Dans la nouvelle de Borges intitulé "examen de l'oeuvre d'Herbert Quain", l'auteur postule que tous les jeux possèdent les caractéristiques fondamentales suivantes: Le hasard, la symétrie et l'ennui.

La brillance de cette observation tient dans le dernier terme. Comment une activité comme le jeu qui est censé nous distraire, peut elle comporter en son coeur l'ennui?